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Sky42 and Digital Horizon Imaging are front page news in PNR Online

Dr Kellie Pendoley, Digital Horizon Imaging (DHI), and Sky42 are again front page news, this time in the Technology section of this week’s PNROnline.

DHI is the division of Pendoley Environmental dedicated to the assessment of artificial light and potential impacts to human, wildlife, and ecosystem health.

DHI is the leading approach to assessing and understanding artificial light and light pollution at residential, industrial, and commercial facilities.

Think you might need a lighting assessment?
For more information about Digital Horizon Imaging and Sky42™ technology, artificial light and light pollution, or for nuisance lighting assessments, compliance, and potential solutions:

Visit our Artificial Light Monitoring webpage

Email Dr Kellie Pendoley or Dr Catherine Bell

Or call us today on (08) 9330 6200.