Pendoley field team assesses incubation at an island rookery on the North-West shelf
Last month Pendoley Environmental completed stage one of a two stage project, providing specialist advice on marine turtle incubation success at an island-based rookery on the North-West shelf. Over a two week period, nests were marked for study and temperature loggers deployed into the clutch while the turtle was laying.
The most interesting thing about this field survey?
Patrick Becker, Pendoley Environmental Scientist and the Field Team Leader said:
“It was very exciting to have adults of three species of marine turtles all nesting on the beach at the same time”.
Pat and his team saw green (Chelonia mydas), flatback (Natator depressus) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles during the survey. Nests of all three species were marked for excavation.