From turtle to turtle across the Pilbara – Anna Vits features in Landscope magazine!
Everyone who knows turtles in W.A. knows Anna Vitenbergs - she can walk further, and for longer, than the rest of us put together, tagging more turtles and recording more data along the way; and all the while chatting about anything and everything, conversations which generally turn out to be some of the most interesting you will ever have!
A bit of a turtle field-hero, Anna suffered an injury to her ankle last summer whilst tagging hawksbill turtles on Rosemary Island.
Now, her contribution to the Western Australian store of knowledge on marine turtles has been recognised in a feature article in Landscope, Western Australia's parks, wildlife and conservation magazine. Read about Anna's lifelong journey from turtle to turtle across the Pilbara region of Western Australia in Landscope Vol 31/No 3 Autumn 2016
For the full article - Anna Vitenbergs Landscope autumn 2016-2